Graduate degrees and certificates

The department of engineering management and systems engineering offers a Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy, as well as a number of graduate certificates in engineering management.

As a student in the graduate program, your coursework and research will expand your knowledge of the management and operation of organizations in today’s competitive economy. You’ll acquire specialized knowledge in the many areas that exist at the intersection of classical engineering and management disciplines.

Application Fee Waiver Opportunities:

Master of Science

One of only a few Master of Science in Engineering Management degrees in the country certified by the prestigious American Society of Engineering Management, this program is offered in person on the main campus in Rolla, at the Missouri S&T Engineering Education Center in St. Louis, and at Fort Leonard Wood, where it is restricted to the Engineer Captain’s Career Course. It is also offered through distance education throughout the country and in select international locations.

Doctor of Philosophy

You must have completed the equivalent of at least three years of full-time work beyond a bachelor’s degree to be considered for this program. As a student in the program, you will conduct original research under the supervision of an advisor, and write and successfully defend a dissertation. You must normally spend at least two sequential semesters in full-time residence at the university.

Graduate Certificates

This program is designed to appeal to working professionals, and is open to anyone holding a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science or Ph.D. degree in engineering or a physical science and has a minimum of 12 months of professional employment experience or is currently accepted into a graduate degree program at Missouri S&T. Certificate courses taken for graduate credit can be counted toward a Master of Science degree once you are accepted into the program.

Department Admission Requirements

  1. B.S. in Engineering or Physical Science (Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geophysics, Math, Physics)
  2. Undergraduate Courses:
    • Calculus Series (I, II, III)
    • Differential Equations or Linear Algebra
    • Statistics
    • Physics or Chemistry
    • Engineering Economy (can be taken during the M.S. or Ph.D. program)
  3. Cumulative GPA (based on 4.0 scale / total or last 60 hours):
    • =>2.75 for Certificates
    • =>3.0 for M.S.
    • =>3.5 for Ph.D.
  4. Letters of Recommendation:
    • 0 for M.S. non-thesis
    • 2 for M.S thesis
    • 3 for Ph.D.
  5. English Proficiency Scores (International Students):
    • TOEFL => 80
    • IELTS => 6.5
    • PTE => 58
    • Duolingo => 115

Program Information

Contact Information:

Kimberly Lindstrom
Certificate & MS Students: A-L
231 Engineering Management

Marjie Grimshaw
Certificate & MS Students: M-Z
PhD Students 
223 Engineering Management

Michelle Emerson
Fort Wood ECCC Program 
216 Engineering Management 
3627 Lincoln Hall (MSCOE)