Graduate certificate programs

Graduate certificates are designed to appeal to working professionals, and are open to anyone holding a Bachelor of Science, Master of Science or Ph.D. degree in engineering or a physical science with a minimum of 12 months of professional employment experience or currently accepted into a graduate degree program at Missouri S&T. Certificate courses taken for graduate credit can be counted toward a Master of Science degree once you are accepted into the program. 

 Application Fee Waiver Opportunities:

Graduate Certificates Forms and Deadlines

In order to receive a graduate certificate, you must have a minimum 3.0 GPA in the certificate courses.


Certificates offered:

Aims to provide individuals with a core body of engineering management knowledge that includes key technical management concepts, processes, and methods for individuals preparing to transition from individual technical contributors to managers of complex technological projects.

Aims to equip students with a set of tools that will help them meet the standards of the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) and the Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA) certifications. While being separate organizations, both GARP and PRMIA have become the standards in financial engineering and financial risk management, due to their similar knowledge of requirements for certification.

Offers an opportunity for professionals to expand their knowledge in Lean Six Sigma through a flexible graduate education program. The certificate provides a solid foundation of Lean Six Sigma methods and practices that can be immediately applied to process improvement projects in the workplace.

Open to all students but created to specifically meet the needs of visiting faculty/graduate students from Algeria as part of the collaborative program “Development of Engineering Management Curriculum and Distance-Learning Methodologies in Algeria: An Educational Partnership,” sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and the North African Partnerships Program.

Aims to equip students with a set of tools that will allow them to achieve Project Management Institute (PMI) standards in the project management area, to successfully manage projects and human resources, and to analyze, evaluate, and improve systems.

Safe engineering systems protect the health of workers and the public, preserve the environment, and improve the profitability of industrial facilities. The graduate certificate in safety engineering is a program of study that focuses on methods to reduce risks, prevent accidents, and/or mitigate the consequences to acceptable levels.

Certificate restricted to the Engineer Captain’s Career Course at Fort Leonard Wood.

Please refer to the graduate catalog for more information.

Application Fee Waiver Opportunities:


Contact Information:

Kimberly Lindstrom
Certificate & MS Students: A-L
231 Engineering Management

Marjie Grimshaw
Certificate & MS Students: M-Z
PhD Students 
223 Engineering Management

Michelle Emerson
Fort Wood ECCC Program
216 Engineering Management
3627 Lincoln Hall (MSCOE)